ARIEL MATERIALS: Music: "If Only - Quartet" (Drop key down 2 half steps) "Beyond my Wildest Dreams" "If Only (Ariel's Lament)", "Part of Your World - Reprise" - (Page 135) Sides: "Ariel / Triton", Ariel / Mersister / Triton "Ariel / Scuttle / Flounder", "Ariel / Sebastian" PRINCE ERIC MATERIALS: Music: (remember to use the app for music, you may take the key down to your comfortable range) "Her Voice" (pg 145-148) "One Step Closer" Sides: "Script 1 & 2" "Script 3", "Script 4" GRIMSBY MATERIALS: Music: " The contest" (Pg. 232, use the app for the music track) Sides: Script 1, Script 2, Script 3 SCUTTLE MATERIALS: Music: "Positoovity" Sides: Scuttle / Ariel / Flounder FLOUNDER MATERIALS: Music: "She's In Love" Sides: Flounder / Scuttle / Ariel Flounder / Triton / Ariel / Sebastian |
URSULA MATERIALS: Music: "Daddy's Little Angel" (pages 121 - 126) "Poor Unfortunate Souls" (pages 169 - 172) Sides: "Flotsam / Jetsam / Ursula", "Ursula / Ariel" FLOTSAM / JETSAM MATERIALS: Music: "Sweet Child" (Sing your character's part only, use the app to practice the music for your part. You can turn on or off the other character's harmony) Sides: "Flotsam / Jetsam / Ariel" "Flotsam / Jetsam / Ursula" KING TRITON MATERIALS: Music: "If Only - Quartet" (Drop key down 2 half steps) "If Only - Triton's Lament" (You may lower the key using the RehearScore App) Sides: Triton / Mersisters Triton / Ariel MERSISTERS MATERIALS: Music: (sing your assigned character's parts) "Daughters of Triton" "She's In Love" (bring key down 2 half steps) Sides: Mersisters / Triton SEBASTIAN MATERIALS: Music: "If Only - Quartet" (Drop Key down 2 half steps) "Under the Sea" - (Pages 150 - 159) "Kiss the Girl" - (Pages 211-219) Sides: Sebastian / Triton / Ariel / Flounder Sebastian / Ariel CHEF LOUIS MATERIALS: Music: "Les Poissons - Reprise" |